Saturday, August 16, 2008

Pampered Chef

So I have been selling Pampered chef since June and I am loving it. I just finished my 4h show last night. Selling pampered chef has really given me a lot of confidence in the kitchen. I have been making new things, testing out the pampered chef recipes and even changed some of the recipes to my taste. I’m really excited because the new season starts Sept 1st which means new products. I am absolutely addicted to kitchen gadgets which is part of the reason I started selling in the first place because I was spending too much money on it. Now I get to see all the new products in advance and buy it at ridiculously discounted prices yes life is good. Last nights show was especially fun it was for a lady who just moved into a new apartment two weeks ago. She invited all of her friends and family over to see her new place for the first time and to make a yummy desert. It was so fun and I only knew like two people there. I am totally coming out of my shell I’m not usually a person who is comfortable around strangers and I’m getting so much better at it. So if any of you want to invite your friends over and learn how to make something new give me a call and we will have an amazingly good time cooking with Pampered Chef.