Monday, August 4, 2008

Monsoon Monday

So last night we hosted a dance for all of the Methodist Church youth groups in the east district for the end of summer volleyball dance. I was organizing the event so I head to Wal-Mart to buy sub sandwiches and chips and that kind of stuff teenagers like to eat. The lady at Wal-Mart told me that a 6 foot sub would feed thirty people so I bought a little less than she recommended. Well turns out Wal-Mart must estimate on hungry men who are gonna eat a meal more than teens who may want a light dinner/ not eat a lot in front of friends. At the end of the night I end up with over 20 feet of left over sub I was like OMG what am I gonna do with all of this food? So Cindy a good friend of mine who is a youth leader from another church told me that every Monday during the summer she does “Monsoon Monday.” She takes her youth to a homeless shelter to serve food and then they swim and hang out. She said the shelter would be happy to have some of the food so I gave her like 10 feet and she took it to her event. So today I go to finish cleaning up the mess and I was like what am I going to do with the other 10 feet of this sub? So I took a little inspiration from Cindy to host our own Monsoon Monday. About an hour and a half before lunch time I sent a mass text out to my youth and come lunch time I had 7 kids and 4 adults show up to help me distribute the food. We had some water with our church info and a bible verse on them for an out reach project that we already had planned for next weekend along with the sandwiches into individual sizes and hit the streets of Mesa looking for hungry and thirsty people. We successfully found tons of people outside who wanted our water and food. Most of the people were Hispanic day laborers, I think we actually only found two homeless people. I think the kids really enjoyed the event because they felt like they were giving back to less fortunate people who really appreciated the food and especially the water in the 100 degree AZ summer day. What a Marvelous Monsoon Monday I had today usually Mondays are one of my least favorite days but not today! Thanks Cindy for the great idea!


Madre' said...

I think this is a great idea and I am happy to hear that you had a good response on such short notice! I know there are a lot of people out there who really enjoyed not only the free food/water, but the fact that you all thought of them. It is also a good thing for our kids to learn to give back to the community and helps them appreciate all that they are so blessed to have. Ya know, maybe God helped that lady at Walmart convince you to buy way more than you needed so that this could all happen...Keep up the great work!!!

Madre' said...

Oh, I also wanted to say that we had a great time helping out with the dance. The kids were all great and I think everyone had a fun time. I heard lots of positive comments about the bouncers. The kids really seemed to enjoy them! Thanks for letting us participate!!